Saturday, May 26, 2012


Kaia Nicole Crossely my sweet strong angel butterfly was taken from me 10 weeks early. She was taken at 30 weeks but quit growing at 25. She weighed 1lb 8oz. She had a massive bleed in her head. She had a whole in her heart. She had 3 times amount of fluid in her brain to brain tissue. She had partial trisomy 11 and minosmy 21. Which the genitics conucilor in greenville couldnt find anybody in the world that had the 2 chromosomes. She is the first. In fact they were at a lost to what to do with her, because they say dealing with the chromosome 11 that normally the body would abort the baby, but as we seen she made it. She fought very hard for one month to the day. First she had problems with her breathing she was on a hard breathing machine for 2 weeks, then she went to a regualr one for 5 days, then last 10 days she was breathing on her one with a litle help from a nasal canula which is what he would get if we got sick. Then she had troubl e with her kidneys and not peeing right, and then she did. But what got her, was her billi ribbon which have to do with jondus, your liver. Your total should be be 1.9 Hers was 33. SHe had cirris of the liver. Her liver failed her. April 25, 2010 she became a real angel. I love and miss you with all my heart angel butterfly.

Also here is her page!/groups/113398178670249/